askiy Workshops

The askiy workshops offer a unique professional development opportunity focusing on Indigenous perspectives of land. It delves into the history, worldviews, contemporary challenges, and the Seven Generation Strategic Decision Making approach of Indigenous peoples. While it is particularly beneficial for Indigenous leaders, land managers, and technical staff, it also provides valuable insights for anyone working with Indigenous communities. Additionally, USask staff, faculty, and students seeking to broaden their understanding of Indigenous land-related concepts are welcome to participate.


Upcoming Workshops

Join us as we welcome kēhtē-aya (elder) Barry Ahenakew for storytelling about the significance of Indigenous Creation Stories. We will be immersed in storytelling that will enlighten us about Indigenous worldviews related to "Who we are, where we come from and how we are all related."

March 18, 2025

Indigenous Law Centre, Room 160, Law Building, 15 Campus Drive, Saskatoon, SK

Presenter: kēhtē-aya (elder) Barry Ahenakew from Ahtahkakoop Cree First Nation

Noon - 1 pm: lunch and introductions

1 - 4 pm: workshop


Join Leo Yahyahkeekoot, ēwī pākwēnamakēt nēhiyawēwin, in an interactive workshop piecing together the Cree language. You will have the opportunity to create your own piece of art. He will share some teachings from a Cree perspective. Each participant must be available for the entire workshop.

March 25, 2025

Kenderdine Gallery, Second Floor of Agriculture Building, 51 Campus Drive, Saskatoon, SK

Presenter: Leo Yahyahkeekoot from Beardy’s and Okemasis’ Willow Cree First Nation

Noon - 1 pm: lunch (provided) and introductions

1 - 3 pm: workshop

Due to the limited number of spots, we ask that those who successfully register, let us know as soon as possible if they are unable to attend so that we can contact someone on the waiting list.

Join us as we welcome kēhtē-ayak (elders) for a conversation about kihci-okāwīmāw askiy (Great Mother Earth) and the importance of conservation related work as it relates to the protection of askiy (land). We will learn about Indigenous knowledges as it relates to natural laws and the importance of conserving her for the next 7 Generations.

April 8, 2025

Indigenous Law Centre, Room 160, Law Building, 15 Campus Drive, Saskatoon, SK

Noon - 1 pm: lunch (provided) and introductions

1 - 3 pm: workshop

Aboriginal and Treaty rights are protected under Canada’s constitution, including through the procedural protection of the Crown’s duty to consult and accommodate. Indigenous rights are also protected through international law, including the right to free, prior, and informed consent, which is influential on protections available under Canadian law as well. In addition to these strictly legal standards, civil servants, academic researchers, and businesses often describe work they do with Indigenous peoples as Indigenous engagement where it is not aimed at fulfilling legal duties. While Indigenous consultation, consent, and engagement are each distinct concepts in theory, this presentation will address how they closely relate to each other in practice, mapping out the fuzzy boundaries between them in Canada.

April 29, 2025

Presenter: Benjamin Ralston, College of Law

1 - 3 pm: online with Zoom (Saskatchewan time)



May 14, 2025

Details coming soon.


Past Workshops

Focus: Exploring the principles of seven generation planning and its application in land management and community development. 

Topics covered: 
Seven Generation Strategic Decision Making

  • Principles and importance of planning for seven generations
  • How this approach influences current and future decision making
Land Planning for Seven Generations
  • Strategies for sustainable land use and planning
  • Balancing modern needs with traditional values
 Sustainability of Lands
  • Ensuring the long-term health of lands
  • Planning for environmental sustainability
Shared Territories
  • Historical and contemporary perspectives on shared territories
  • Implementing shared territory concepts for future generations


December 4, 2024


Examining the current policy and legislative regimes affecting First Nations in Canada, and the importance of asserting Indigenous sovereignty.

Policy and Legislative Regimes

  • Overview of current First Nation land policies and legislative regimes
  • Analysis of how these regimes impact Indigenous land management

Indigenous Sovereignty

  • Importance of asserting sovereignty in land management
  • Successful assertions of sovereignty

November 21, 2024

This workshop delves into the complex and contested issues surrounding authority and jurisdiction over Indigenous lands and territories. This session will explore the historical and ongoing debates in Canada and globally, shedding light on common misconceptions and the lack of knowledge about Indigenous peoples' history and their rights to the land. 

Drawing on research from the early 1900s on Alquonquian lands, the presenter will examine the central issue of what constitutes the Indigenous understanding of the territorial meaning of "our land or our country." Through the lens of Keith Napoleon Goulet from Cumberland House, Saskatchewan, participants will gain a deeper understanding of these critical issues and engage in meaningful discussions to broaden their perspectives. 

October 24, 2024 

Developed by the Office of the Treaty Commissioner; the Treaty Learning Journey – Let’s Talk Truth is a 4 part workshop series that will educate you on the following: Workshop 1 (Before Treaty - Worldview and Indigeneity), Workshop 2 (At Treaty - Pre-contact Treaties, Numbered Treaties, Spirit and Intent), Workshop 3 (Breaches of Treaty - Indian Act, Indian Residential Schools, NRTA), and Workshop 4 – (Current Indigenous circumstances - myths and misconceptions).

Workshop 4 will focus on current Indigenous circumstances such as, but not limited to: the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action, the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), Jordan’s Principle and myths and misconceptions.

May 9, 2024 


The kihci-okâwîmâw askiy Knowledge Centre works for and with Indigenous communities to support the development and delivery of land related teaching, research and engagement opportunities that are of significance to Indigenous communities. 

This panel presentation will focus on Natural Climate Solutions and Carbon Market Potentials. 

The panel presenters will provide an overview of the carbon environment in Canada. 


April 25, 2024 

PRESENTER: Benjamin Ralston, College of Law, USask 

First Nations face many unique challenges with respect to environmental regulation for reserve lands. For instance, federal environmental laws may be applied more vigorously on-reserve than off- reserve in ways that limit First Nations’ land use decision-making and economic development.

At the same time, regulatory gaps exist on-reserve, with limited options for robust environmental regulation and protection. There are also long- standing barriers to the enforcement of First Nations’ environmental laws and regulations on-reserve.

This presentation will highlight these key issues and explore options for navigating them in practice.


March 21, 2024


This panel discussion will explore the Cree concepts of land. The discussion will focus on the ways in which Cree people understand and relate to the land.

The panelists will draw on their own experiences to provide insights into the cultural, and ecological dimensions of Cree land use.

The discussion will also explore the challenges and opportunities associated with the preservation and revitalization of Cree land- based practices in the context of contemporary society.


February 22, 2024 



This panel discussion will explore the relationship between inherent rights, treaty rights, Aboriginal rights, and human rights in Canada.

The panelists will discuss the historical context of inherent rights, the legal framework for treaty rights, the impact of aboriginal rights on Canadian society, and the role of human rights in protecting the rights of all Canadians.

The panelists will explore the challenges and opportunities associated with balancing the rights of different groups in Canadian society and will discuss the ways in which these rights can be protected and promoted.


February 8, 2024 


PRESENTER: Office of the Treaty Commissioner 

Developed by the Office of the Treaty Commissioner; the Treaty Learning Journey – Let’s Talk Truth will educate you on Before Treaty (Worldview and Indigeneity), At Treaty (Pre-contact Treaties, numbered Treaties, Spirit and Intent), Breaches of Treaty (Indian Act, Indian Residential Schools, NRTA), and Today (current Indigenous circumstances, myths and misconceptions). The Treaty Learning Journey comes to you from the Indigenous side of the story.

While Treaties were being peacefully negotiated and agreed upon, the Canadian government was breaching them. We will discuss these breaches of Treaty and the atrocities that resulted from them.

*Please be advised that this session will contain information and discussion on Indian Residential schools.


January 31, 2024 

Led by kêhtê-aya, Joseph Naytowhow, Indigenous Law Centre, College of Law, USask 

The kihci-okâwîmâw askiy Knowledge Centre works for and with Indigenous communities to support the development of land related teaching, research and engagement opportunities that are of significance to Indigenous communities.

kêhtê-aya, Joseph Naytowhow will lead us in this conversation about Knowledge Sovereignty.

This conversation will focus on the ethically responsible ways in which traditional knowledge is accessed, earned, and shared.

October 2, 2024 

January 25, 2024 

November 16, 2023



Presenter: Felix Hoehn, Professor, College of Law, USask 

This workshop provided a history of the doctrine of discovery and an overview of the current impacts to Indigenous peoples and their relationship to the land.

October 30, 2024

November 30, 2023 

Presenter: Office of the Treaty Commissioner 

Developed by the Office of the Treaty Commissioner; the Treaty Learning Journey – Let’s Talk Truth will educate you on Before Treaty (Worldview and Indigeneity), At Treaty (Pre-contact Treaties, numbered Treaties, Spirit and Intent), Breaches of Treaty (Indian Act, Indian Residential Schools, NRTA), and Today (current Indigenous circumstances, myths and misconceptions). The Treaty Learning Journey comes to you from the Indigenous side of the story.

The focus of this workshop was why and how the Treaties were negotiated and agreed upon. Participants also learnt about the history of the Treaty negotiations, the numbered Treaties, and the Spirit and Intent of Treaties.

November 2, 2023

Presenter: Peter Soroye, Key Biodiversity Areas (KBA) Assessment and Outreach Coordinator, 
Wildlife Conservation Society Canada 

Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) are places that are critical for the long-term health and well-being of animals, plants, waters, and the land, and are defined by an international set of criteria.

In acknowledgement of the past, present and future importance of Indigenous-led conservation, and the opportunities for KBAs to support this and to highlight and celebrate diverse values, histories and relationships related to people, lands, waters, plants and animals, the KBA project is working collaboratively with First Nations, Métis and Inuit to identify KBAs across the area called Canada.

In this interactive workshop, participants explored KBAs and help identify and mapped new potential sites.

For more on the KBA Canada project, visit

October 18, 2023

Presenter: Peter Soroye, Key Biodiversity Areas (KBA) Assessment and Outreach Coordinator, 
Wildlife Conservation Society Canada 

Over the past two decades, a group of global organizations have developed a list of criteria to identify Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs). These places are critical for the long-term health and well-being of animals, plants, waters, and the land, and a program has recently begun identifying these sites across Canada.

This session provide information on what the KBA Canada project is doing, how KBAs may help support Indigenous conservation, and how to help collaboratively identify these sites, which in many instances exist only because of the stewardship and relationships First Nations, Métis and Inuit have with these species and places.

For more on the KBA Canada project, visit

October 12, 2023

Presenter: Office of the Treaty Commissioner

Developed by the Office of the Treaty Commissioner; the Treaty Learning Journey – Let’s Talk Truth will educate you on Before Treaty (Worldview and Indigeneity), At Treaty (Pre-contact Treaties, numbered Treaties, Spirit and Intent), Breaches of Treaty (Indian Act, Indian Residential Schools, NRTA), and Today (current Indigenous circumstances, myths and misconceptions). The Treaty Learning Journey comes to you from the Indigenous side of the story.

The focus of this workshop was on Worldview and Indigeneity. Everyone has their own worldview. We will challenge your worldview to see the world through a different lens.

Indigeneity is the knowledge of who First Nations People are; you will learn their traditional lifestyle, language, culture, beliefs and values.

October 5, 2023


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For more information about professional development opportunities and the askiy Workshop Series, contact:

Donna van de Velde
Special Projects Officer, kihci-okāwīmāw askiy Knowledge Centre